Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ski Weekend!

Mom and Dad surprised me with a trip to North Carolina for a long weekend! They planned it and packed, and when they picked me up at school on Thursday, they told me that we were ready to leave! I was so excited! We drove to Sugar Mountain, NC that night! This is the balcony at our condo, there was plenty of snow on the hill!

I pulled my 7th tooth out on Friday morning before we went skiing! Yea! It was my first tooth lost out of state! We skied for three days and it was a blast! I skied all blue trails.

I am planning out my next ski runs! The tooth fairy found me in the mountains and brought me some money, and she left my new webkinz (a husky) at my house, because she couldn't carry it up the mountain.

I had a great time at Sugar Mtn. We also visited Grandfather Mtn where we visited the animal habitat and the museum. I can't wait to go skiing again!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It snows about once a year where we live and it is a BIG deal when it does! It almost never sticks so the best I can do is catch some flakes on my tongue! The dogs and I love running around with flurries all around us!

I can't wait to go on my annual ski trip and see lots of snow!