Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Big Change!

I have been growing my hair out for years. It is so long and beautiful! But, now I am ready for a change. A BIG CHANGE!

I decided a few years ago, that I wanted to donate my hair to Locks of Love, and I have been growing it ever since.

Here it is! Two 10 inch ponytails!

Wow! My hair feels so different. It feels so short and swingy! I love it! And I feel good about giving my hair to someone who needs it.


Sarah said...

What a great idea SK. I am so proud of you. I always get really nervous when I cut my hair. You look so cute with your new style!

Megan said...

I LOVE the new short 'do, SK! I've always wanted to donate my hair, but have never been patient enough to grow it out long enough.